Monday 29 April 2024

Winner and TOP 3 for Challenge #314

Hello Everyone!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend - sorry for the delay in posting but Marlene, the blog owner, has been ill so I've taken over with my limited IT skills! 

Sending much love to Marlene and wishing her a speedy recovery xx

So - onto the winners of our last challenge...

The winner for Challenge #314

chosen by Random org


35 - Lisa J

Well done Lisa! Please take the winner's badge and wear it

on your blog.

Now onto the Top 3 chosen by N-Eva ...

Congratulations Ladies

Please take your Top 3 badge for your blogs

Come back later for our new challenge once I've figured out how to do the Linky!!


Maryann scrapbooking said...

Merci beaucoup pour le choix de ma carte dans le Top 3.
J'affiche avec joie le badge sur mon blog.
Félicitations aux autres créatrices gagnantes.
Thank you very much for choosing my card in the Top 3.
I happily display the badge on my blog.
Congratulations to the other winning designers.

Lisa J said...

WOW! So pleased to be the winner this week. Thank you so much and congratulations to the Top 3 places

Annettes Hobby Rosettes said...

Thank you so much for choosing my entry for Top 3 I am stokes. Congrats to all the other winners too.