Monday 3 April 2017

Challenge # 153 - Our 4-Legged Friends

Paper Playful are no longer doing winners Posts 

Good Morning and a Happy Monday to all you in Blogland
Thank you for all the gorgeous creations from very talented people who entered our last challenge

Thank you to our sponsor for this challenge 
Dis Digi Designs
who are offering 3 digi images for the winner

Di's Digi Downloads

Please read the Rules for our Challenge, they are on the Side-Bar, before entering your Project

Now let's see the Inspiration from the Design Team 

using Di's digi image Daisy Trail

using A Dis Digi Design Image
My Furry Friends

Aren't they gorgeous
the Design Team can't wait to see what you come up with
Happy Crafting


ike said...

What a gorgeous collection of DT creations :-) Thank you very much for this Challenge xx

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

such cute cards dt. jane x

Granmargaret said...

Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the design team.

Fikreta said...

wonderful inspiration from all!