Thursday 13 February 2014

New Design Team Members

Afternoon all

If your looking for this fortnights Challenge please scroll down or find it here

Firstly thanks to all the people that applied to be on the team, you are an amazing bunch of talented crafters and we would have you all if we could!

But here's the ladies that made it

Barb -


Please email me at and we'll get you all set up with the team!
Thanks again to all that entered
Happy Crafting
Hugs Dream Valley Girls xxx


Wendy Nicola Jackson said...

Oh my goodness! Just got back from my darling pals wedding up north to find this fab news! Thanks so much! Super excited and looking forward to starting! Hugs, Wends x

Anne-Marie said...

I am so looking forward to starting with you, I have tried the email twice but I've had no response, I am sending it to the right email address.

Anne-Marie xx

Wendy Nicola Jackson said...

Hi dream valley team. I've been waiting like Anne-Marie for a response to the email I sent too. I'm wondering if we have the address wrong? I'm looking forward to hearing from you and to getting started. Hugs, Wends x

Pillan said...

Looking forward to be one in the team... I also wonder why I haven't recived any response on the email?!?!

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

I did send you an email quite a while ago and did not hear back from you - I 'm glad to see I was not the only one. Still think it would be cool to be on your team!