Sunday 8 September 2013

Challenge 65 - Purple Green

Hello again

Its time for another challenge here at Dream Valley Challenges
But firstly check and see if you could be our lucky winner from the "For a Child " Challenge or one of the lucky Top 3, just scroll down to the last post!

This fortnight we have another easy Challenge for you all to get your teeth into


Yeah! Its a wee colour Challenge for you all to try!
Again please follow the rules and you could be eligible for our wee prize! An this time its another surprise prize!

Yeah a surprise GOODY Bag for a lucky winner

Now the team have been creating some fab things to totally inspire you for this wee challenge


Now remember to be eligible for the prize you must follow our rules (some people are still not) and enter your name in the linky below! 

Till next time
Hugs Dream Valley Girls xxx


Karen P said...

TFS gorgeous DT creations and thanks for another fab challenge hugs Karen

Unknown said...

Delightful DT cards and goodies used.xx

Deonna B said...

Thank you for my Top 3 Badge. Congrats to the others.